Getting Started


The PowerLite PDO library is available on GitHub at and is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

For detailed installation instructions, please visit the Installation page.

Setup the Database Connection

To set up your database connection, you will need to modify the vendor/migliori/power-lite-pdo/src/connection.php file. This file contains the configuration for the database connection using PHP's PDO (PHP Data Objects).

Here are the steps to set up your database connection:

  1. Choose your Database Driver: The PDO extension supports multiple databases. You can choose the one that suits your needs. The driver name should be set as the value of the PDO_DRIVER constant. For example, if you are using MySQL, the line should look like this:

    define('PDO_DRIVER', 'mysql');
  2. Configure your Local Server Settings: If you are running your application on a local server for development purposes, you will need to set the database host, name, user, and password. These are defined as constants in the connection.php file. Here is an example of how to set these values:

    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // Database host
    define('DB_NAME', 'sampledatabase'); // Database name
    define('DB_USER', 'root'); // Database user
    define('DB_PASS', 'Mysql'); // Database password
  3. Configure your Production Server Settings: If you are deploying your application to a production server, you will need to set the database host, name, user, and password for the production environment. These are also defined as constants in the connection.php file. Here is an example of how to set these values:

    define('DB_HOST', 'production-db_host'); // Database host
    define('DB_NAME', 'production-db_name'); // Database name
    define('DB_USER', 'production-db_user'); // Database user
    define('DB_PASS', 'production-db_password'); // Database password

Replace 'localhost', 'sampledatabase', 'root', 'Mysql', 'production-db_host', 'production-db_name', 'production-db_user', and 'production-db_password' with your actual database host, name, user, and password respectively for both local and production environments.

The program will automatically detect if it's running on a local or production server and use the appropriate settings accordingly.


To optimize the security of your connection parameters, please refer to the Security section.

Choosing Your Database Interaction Style

In PowerLite PDO, you have two primary ways to interact with the database: the Db class and the QueryBuilder. The Db class offers procedural methods for database operations, while the QueryBuilder provides a fluent interface for building SQL queries. The choice between these two depends on your personal preference and coding style.

Database, QueryBuilder and Pagination

The Database and the QueryBuilder both provide convenient ways to interact with the database and fetch results. However, while the Database employs a procedural style through the use of methods, the QueryBuilder utilizes fluent methods. Choose the one that best aligns with your preferred coding style.

Initializing Db Instance

To get a Db instance, you would use the following code:

use Migliori\PowerLitePdo\Db;

$container = require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/migliori/power-lite-pdo/src/bootstrap.php';

$db = $container->get(Db::class);

This will return an instance of the Db class, which you can use to interact with the database.

Initializing QueryBuilder Instance

To get a QueryBuilder instance, you would use the following code:

use Migliori\PowerLitePdo\Query\QueryBuilder;

$container = require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/migliori/power-lite-pdo/src/bootstrap.php';

$queryBuilder = $container->get(QueryBuilder::class);

This will return an instance of the QueryBuilder class, which you can use to build SQL queries in a safe and efficient manner.

Initializing Pagination Instance

To get a Pagination instance, you would use the following code:

use Migliori\PowerLitePdo\Pagination;

$container = require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/migliori/power-lite-pdo/src/bootstrap.php';

$pagination = $container->get(Pagination::class);

This will return an instance of the Pagination class, which you can use to paginate query results.

The DI container ensures that each instance is properly configured with its dependencies.